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Pomona waste to energy deal: 500 families face displacement

Harare- THE controversial US$ 320 million Pomona waste to energy deal will see at least 500 families been displaced and relocated, Express Mail Zim has learnt.

The deal was awarded to Geogenix BV under controversial circumstances and they have already invoiced Harare city council US$780 000 which was paid by government using Devolution funds.

National housing minister Daniel Garwe this week said government has already drawn up plans to relocate the families.

“We have taken note of this situation and will make sure that we identify a suitable area where we will relocate them.
“Where there are now, its an infringement of their human right to shelter, and government is making they are relocating to a safer area,” said Garwe.

In the murky deal, Harare is obliged to pay Geogenix BV US$40 per tonne delivered.

The stipulated daily delivery is at least 550 tonnes or a minimum of 200,750 tonnes.

It essentially means Geogenix BV will pocket US$8 million annually for the 30 year long contract that the City Fathers have however trashed but government ignored them and said the council resolution was “null and void”.

The company is owned by dodgy Albanian businessman Mirel Mertiri who is fronted by Delish Nguwaya of the Draxgate scandal.

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