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Mnangagwa pulls a middle finger at Zacc commissioner Makamure

Kwekwe- PRESIDENT Emmerson Mnangagwa snubbed Zimbabwe Anti-Corruption Commission (Zacc) spokesperson John Makamure and refused to give him audience at his Precabe farm Sunday , Express Mail Zim has learnt.

The embattled Makamure drove to Midlands in the company of legislator Spencer Tshuma with intention of asking for forgiveness from the President following allegations of massive corruption and taking bribes acting in complete negation of the body’s mandate.

Sources told Express Mail Zim that Makamure and his emissary were literally chased away from the farm.

“He came with MP Tshuma at Precabe (farm) and security details were asked to whisk them away before even getting access at the gate ,”said our source.

On Monday Mnangagwa appointed a Tribunal led by no-nonsense Justice Cheda to investigate Makamure and determine whether he was ‘fit and proper’ to hold office.

Lately, he has been accused of being involved in active politics by seeking to contest the Gokwe Nembudziya National Assembly seat currently occupied by Mnangagwa’s blue eyed boy Justice Mayor Wadyajena.

This is in contravention of the 2013 constitution which clearly states that members of independent commissions are ineligible to participate in active politics as it compromises their roles.

Makamure faces a coterie of allegations including failure to declare his interests in a local NGO , the Southern African Parliamentary Support Trust (Sapst).

According to sources, Makamure touched the hot plate when he pushed for Wadyajena’s arrest in the Cottco saga to angle himself for the Gokwe-Nembudziya seat.

“The blunder he (Makamure) made was to mess around with Mayor (Wadyajena).
“That boy is a darling to the President and he has been loyal to him even when he was still vice president and minister.
“He has worked hard on the ground and took risks,” said our impeccable source who preffered anonymity.

Makamure could not be reached for comment as his phone went unanswered at the time of writing.

MP Tshuma disowned Makamure.

“I do not know anyone by the name Makamure ,I never went to the president’s farm,” he fumed as he confidently lied through his teeth since this publication has it on good authority that he was the emmisary.

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