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Journalist assaulted at CCC rally


Harare- NewsHawks journalist and Young Journalists Association (YOJA) aspiring secretary general Ruvimbo Muchenje has been attacked and beaten up at a CCC rally in Chinhoyi at Gadzema ground Sunday.

YOJA outgoing secretary general Philemon Jambaya condemned the attack in a statement issued Sunday.

Muchenje who is a multimedia journalist, was trying to find her way into the stadium and was physically attacked  up and beaten up by  Citizens Coalition for Change party security who attempted to block her from entering.

“Muchenje was forced on to the ground made to roll , leaving her dress torn.

“YOJA strongly condemns this barbaric behavior by CCC supporters and is calling upon the party to issue an apology, and deal with its rogue security members,” said Jambaya.

He added that as the country prepares for the forthcoming 2023 harmonised elections, political parties must educate their members on the role that the media play in providing crucial information about their activities and party policies.

“YOJA will soon engage CCC and make a police report against these misguided elements,” he added.

This attack comes barely a fortnight after four Technomag journalists were also attacked while on duty, with one of them Toneo Rutsito losing a tooth.

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