
Thousands of residents set to lose US$10 million from Zimplats

Chegutu Rural District chairperson (CRD) and Councillor Tatenda Gwinji has raised concern over the alleged plan to undertake an amendmend of the deed to remove Chegutu community as beneficiaries of the Zimplats Mhondoro Ngezi Zvimba (ZMNCZ) Community Trust.

According to Gwinji, the ZMNCZ was formed to make sure the community benefits from platinum mining in the area and a deed of trust was signed by the government and Zimplats to honour the agreement.

The report follows two meetings allegedly held at the end of July, 2022 at Chengeta Lodge and another meeting held on August, 4 2022 by the ZMNCZ Trust to dispose the benefits of the community.

In a statement, Gwinji states that according to agreement, the community is supposed to gain 10% shares in Zimplats.

“Zimplats is required by the deed of trust, under clause 3.2 to dispose 10% to the communities: This in addition to the USD 10, 000, 000 the communities were given,” read the statement.

The CRD chairperson said ZMNCZ Trust cannot make such a huge decision without consulting the beneficiaries including key shareholders such as the Ministry of Local Government and the provincial authority.

Gwinji also said the ZMNCZ Trust would seize to exist if it removes the benefits of the community.

“The board of the community trust must consider that if it removes the right of local communities to acquire 10% in Zimplats, then you are also doing away with the very for the existence of the community trust itself,” he added.

The Chegutu councillor appeals to the Trust to desist from making rush decisions to amend the deed of trust without following proper procedures.

“The deed of trust, clause 15 says the deed can only be amended by an Extra-Ordinary majority vote of trustees, i humbly request that before the ZMNCZ Trust make any far reaching decision first consult the beneficiary community trusts,

“The indegenisation law does not give power to mining companies to do away with their responsibilities to local communities,” the CRD chairperson noted.

The Constitution of Zimbabwe requires that local communities must benefit from resources in their area. Gwanda community now fully owns its shares in gold mining Blanket Mine and recently earned thousands of United States Dollars in dividend.

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