
Women rights activist laments over delay in Biti assault case

Harare- POPULAR women rights activist Elizabeth Mucheche has lamented over the delay of the politician Tendai Biti’s assault case.
“The assault trial has taken long to commence, and we do not know when it will be concluded. For the benefit of the victim and the accused, and for public confidence, the two year old case should be concluded within a reasonable timeframe, without prejudice,” she said.
The charge against Biti, a legislator , relates to an alleged incident following a court hearing on November 30 2020.

Biti, who is also a qualified lawyer, was involved in litigation, representing a client in the Harare Airport Road scandal, Tatiana Aleshina, a Russian national, who was reportedly whispering information to the prosecution constantly.

Biti voiced a complaint to the magistrate about Aleshina’s conduct.

After the court hearing, Aleshina confronted honourable Biti threatening that he should not mention his name and he called her idiot. The matter has been before the courts since then.

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