
Tyson throws punches at Mnangagwa over high unemployment rate,poor service delivery

Harare-SELF exiled former ZANU PF political commissar Saviour ‘Tyson’ Kasukuwere has lamented over the increasing high unemployment rate under President Emmer son Mnangagwa adminstration among other grievances.
Tyson registered his discontent in his Heroes Day statement released Monday.

Express Mail Zim publishes hereunder the full statement :

“On this day, we remember the supreme sacrifice paid by Zimbabwe’s sons and daughters. Our forebears resisted
colonialism against a murderous and brutally suppressive settler regime. Colonial laws brought immense pain and
suffering to our land and people.

“Our resources were violently stolen. Our land was dispossessed, cattle
confiscated and resistance was brought downm ercilessly.

“Generations upon generations fought to overthrow this pernicious system. But we waged a protracted war of resistance that brought the new dawn of Zimbabwe to our people.

“To the pioneering nationalists, the trade unionists, the detainees, the war veterans, mothers who cooked, the
elders who faced the enemy in concentration villages and the collaborators, today is your day.
Victory belongs to the people of Zimbabwe. You owned the struggle for Zimbabwe, and you must indeed enjoy
your day under the sun in a Zimbabwe whose present and future belong to you all.

“As we celebrate and remember, let’s not forget the Zimbabwean child toiling because of a lack of employment, lack of empowerment, and lack of services.
Let us not forgets the millions of Zimbabweans who have been forced to live as second-class citizens in other
countries, sometimes subjected to degrading and inhuman conditions and discrimination in these foreign

“Ours is a shared destiny. In this abiding spirit of unison, when one of us is better-off, all of us must be better for it.
Conversely, when one of us endures pain and inhumant reatment, it should concern every one of us. That is thes pirit of Ubuntu that binds us together. Ndiri nekuti iwe uri!

“We should resolve to build a better country, where unity, peace and prosperity prevail.

“No Zimbabwean should be imprisoned without charge for lawfully and rightfully taking part in our politics, no
Zimbabwean should be persecuted because of political differences, and no Zimbabwean should be exiled
because of personal or political differences. Let us embrace our diversity and be each other’s keepers! Our destinies are tied together and underwritten by the sacrifice of our forebears who delivered a free
Zimbabwe. Let us be free to imagine a bigger and better Zimbabwe for all.

“An empowered Zimbabwe, where the current generation eagerly receives the button and runs their race to move Zimbabwe forward. Each generation will have its mandate defined by the times and national cause.


“Ours is no longer a war of canons and guns, it is a war to deliver economic independence. We are no longer pressed with racial inequality, but we see economic inequality all around us. Let us seize the opportunity to be the heroes of generations future and present.


“Let us rise to our generational calling. Out of us, heroes must emerge. Heroes who put Zimbabwe and her citizens first.

” Nyika Yedu YeZimbabwe Ndimo Matakazvarirwa! Let’s empower our people! Let’s get our people to prosper!
Let’s build the infrastructure that will make Zimbabwe

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