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Guruve- THE water crisis in Guruve caused by an accidental spillage of cyanide (at Eureka Gold Mine) which contaminated Dande River has been put to an end through the timely response and efforts made by the authorities and the Presidential Borehole Scheme fronted by Prevail Group International.

Prevail drilled boreholes and the community now have access to clean and portable water after a long crisis .

This development has been greatly appreciated by the community of Guruve.

“Clean water is a basic necessity that is essential for the health and well-being of the residents, and we are grateful to have a reliable source of clean water available ,” said a teacher at a local school.

“We are grateful for the efforts made by the authorities to resolve this issue. We can now focus on our daily lives without worrying about our water supply,” added another resident who identified himself as Tawanda Chipoyera.

The Presidential Scheme’s borehole project has provided a reliable source of clean water at a time when the Zimbabwe National Water Authority is temporarily suspending pumping water from Dande River as a precautionary measure.

The community is hopeful that measures will be put in to ensure the protection of water sources.

The Environmental Management Agency has also issued an Environmental Protection Order to Eureka Mine to put in place necessary pollution abatement measures, and the mine has taken steps to neutralise the cyanide concentration in the water.

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