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Zanu PF primary elections: Politiburo holds special adhoc tribunal

Harare- Zanu PF apex decision making body sits Tuesday to consider complaints that some losing candidates submitted.

The ruling party’s political commissar Mike Bimha ’embargoed’ cadres from announcing preliminary results and categorically stated that it was the mandate of the national command centre stationed at the party headquarters.

“The official results of the primary elections are announced by the national command centre at the party headquarters.

” There could be other sources giving information through Twitter,those results are not official.We need to be very thorough and verify these results.In most areas, results are posted at the centre and they remain unofficial.

“These results are preliminary as they are subject to discussion by Politburo ,after that , they can be final results,” said Bimha.

Bimha said the party accepted complaints from losing candidates and they will follow the party’s principle of transparency .

The primary elections had to be postponed due to overwhelming response which drew participation by journalists, musicians and socialites.

According to unofficial results, musician Enzo Ishall garnered a paltry seven votes with analysts suggesting that it could have been his wife and a few close friends who voted for him.

Ironically, he has a legion of hangers on who mob him at s place called Gangster Corner in Sunningdale 2 where he cut his teeth in the industry .

Meanwhile, information czar Chris Mutsvangwa was involved in a cyber war with Government spokesperson Nick Mangwana where Mutsvangwa told Mangwana to “stay in his lane” and concentrate on his duties.

The former nurse had Tweeted unofficial preliminary results.

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